At BEAU BELLE BULLDOGS, we love to hear from our fellow French Bulldog enthusiasts. If you have any questions about our dogs, please don't hesitate to contact us using the email below.
When enquiring about a puppy, we want to make sure we are placing one of our puppies with the best possible home. Please include the following details about you and your lifestyle to start a conversation with us. We do not like emails that only ask “do you have puppies?” or ”how much are your puppies?” Please introduce yourself and answer the questions below or you will not get a response from us.
-Where do you live?
-Why do you want a French bulldog?
-Have you ever owned a French bulldog?
-Are you interested in a male or female?
-How many family members living in the home?
-Who will be mostly responsible for the puppy?
-What is a typical day for your schedule?
-What are the job titles of the adults in the home?
-What are your hobbies, sports and interests?
-Do you travel?
-Who will look after your dog when you travel?
-Do you have children? their ages?
-How many other pets will be sharing the home
with the puppy? Type? Breed? Age?
-Do you have a fully fenced yard?
-Do you have a pool or pond?
-What do you plan to feed your French bulldog?
We look forward to meeting you.